
Questions and Answers; End of the Habits

LETS TALK ABOUT THE BOOK!! 1.            What did I learn from reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens?           - I learn that doing things and creating new habits in your life can really make a change in your way of living. You can have a better attitude, a more organized life, and enjoy your life more. Applying this habits in my everyday life helped me a lot.  2.            How will I use the information I have learned by reading the book?           - I will use this book to manage my life better and enjoying it more. This information really helps me to be focus in my life goals, in what is really important and what type of person I want to be. 3.            How was my experience making a blog based on the book?       ...

HABIT 6: Synergize

two heads are better than one. This habit is about team work and cooperation. Is important to have a open-mind for this, because if you don't accept others opinion you can not work in teamwork.  Together you can make better results that you  could individually.

HABIT 5: seek first to understand then to be understood

Communication is the most important skill in life. Is very important to understand the person that is talking before to say your opinion.  This is essential for how you want to be treated when is your turn to talk.  For example, if you are in a reunion and your friend is telling a story and your haven't put attention at all and you just hear something that you are not agree with and you just give your opinion with knowing nothing. This can cause you problems and discusiones that you don't want.  Also, if you don't want this to happen to you, you should not do it. An advice that can help you, is not the best but can help. If you are not paying attention to the conversation, please don't give your opinion. This can save you from being the one that opens he's/her mouth with out knowing what is really happening.  Be aware to understand before speaking. "THINK BEFORE YOU TALK" If you want to be understood, understand the other person as...


HABIT 4; WIN-WIN This habit represent how to have a good attitude while working in a team. You need to know how to interact with others, and make a way to have the "win-win" ending. Win-Win is like the two teams won, not one lose and the other win. The fact that both teams are going to go with a positive attitude caused of having this habit is very good. You can start practicing the habit by having a open mind when negative things are happening.   

Activity for habit 3; the jar representing my life

The jar symbolizes my life This jar represents my life, I have big rocks which represents the main things in life, the little rocks that mean stuff that is important but not necessary and the sand, meaning things that are not important in my life. You decided how you want to manage your things throughout your life, in this case your materials, in order to all fit in one jar. When I did this activity, my group and I decided to think strategically, and we ask to our selves, how can we fit this without leaving blank spaces and using all the materials? Well, we decided to use the technique of the layers. The layers technique means to but a base, and then stack the rest of the things on top of it. We put a little bit of sand in the bottom, then put a little bit of rocks on top of it and then continue doing the same; sand, rocks, sand, rocks and so on. I will leave you my personal list of what each materials means in my life.        “The bi...