Activity for habit 3; the jar representing my life

The jar symbolizes my life

This jar represents my life, I have big rocks which represents the main things in life, the little rocks that mean stuff that is important but not necessary and the sand, meaning things that are not important in my life. You decided how you want to manage your things throughout your life, in this case your materials, in order to all fit in one jar. When I did this activity, my group and I decided to think strategically, and we ask to our selves, how can we fit this without leaving blank spaces and using all the materials? Well, we decided to use the technique of the layers. The layers technique means to but a base, and then stack the rest of the things on top of it. We put a little bit of sand in the bottom, then put a little bit of rocks on top of it and then continue doing the same; sand, rocks, sand, rocks and so on. I will leave you my personal list of what each materials means in my life.   

    “The big rocks”:
-   Family
-   Things I love
-   Close friends
-   Goals
-   Love 

"The small rocks":
-  Social life 
-  Having excellent grades (meaning not to blow my head out trying to get 100's in all of my classes) 
-  Hobbies 
-  Relationships 

  "The sand": 
-  Friends that are a bad influence 
-  Bad humor 


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