Habit 3; First things First

HABIT 3; putting first things first!! 

In this habit you are basically going to divide your life in 4 little squeres ( metaphorically). First square; important and urgent to do, which are your main priorities such as family, your self, studies, etc. Second square; important things but not so urgent to do, mining things that you need but you don’t have a rush to complete such as focusing on the carreer you are going to follow in collage, having a relationship, etc. Third square; Urget but not important, for example new clothing things just because is a new season. You have already clothe to put one. Last but not least the fourth square; not urget not not important, going out to a movie, going to parties, wasting your money for bills for a trip., etc.
People always foucus in the last two quieres in life, some people, other ones have their goals clear haha. You need to have a clear and positive mind for putting this habit on track.

I personally love organizing my life, love to have goals for everything I do. But always with priorities first.


  1. I like that you include examples from your personal life!! Great Job:)


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